12월 NEW 출시예정
켄메이크마쉬멜로우·비오레 금목서·고바야시 한방울·큐큣토
Murayu Tokiwarabel Namabel Namabel 720ml
Overall, it is the real of Murasuke in an elegant taste. That can be
Even if the elegant sweet taste is dragged off for a long time,
It is completed with a refreshing aftertaste, showing the unique taste of Murasuke.
If you say Niigata's alcohol, in a market known to be light and dry
It was one of the brewery drilled, and
Because of the change of the image of Japanese liquor after "Murasuke",
Because of the change of the image of Japanese liquor after "Murasuke",
Many people started to drink.
Wasanbong (high -quality sugar in bamboo sugar)
It is characterized by a rich sweetness that is folded in multiple layers.
Junmai Daiginjo Standard with a clean sweet liquor that has never been experienced so far.
It is sweet but neatly finished like Wasanbong.
The elegant sweetness, the balance of the mountain is exquisite!
To avoid prejudice from visible information,
Minimal information (Alcohol content and certain name) are only displayed.
The ratio of Jeongmi, Japanese liquor content, alcoholic rice varieties, acidity, etc.
Not all other information has been disclosed.
Sweet taste means that it uses a lot of raw rice
According to the example of German wine that ranks according to the quality of raw materials and manufacturing methods.
The higher the sweetness, the higher the ranking and the price.
Like this, Japan has a free way of thinking to eliminate prejudice about alcohol.
This is also the reason for being loved by many fans.
Only the amount of adaptation is shipped to the size of the warehouse.
It is being in stock in small quantities due to the situation of the brewery called cheating.
• Alcohol 15 degrees
• Non -disclosure ratio