12월 NEW 출시예정
켄메이크마쉬멜로우·비오레 금목서·고바야시 한방울·큐큣토
Aramasa Viridian 天鵞絨 2021 720ml
Akita's high -quality rice rice Misato Nishiki is used!
The combination of raw materials used 50% of the flat rice, and
Misato Nishiki's potential is the most powerful!
Viridian is a body sense in the Colors lineup
And a powerful fabric with afterglow!
Most of the crop area is converted to pesticide -free cultivation,
The quality is improved.
You can enjoy the rich taste right after freshly squeezed, but
You can enjoy the rich taste right after freshly squeezed, but
It also has a long -term aging ability comparable to the Ash line.
• 13 degrees alcohol
• Mi -Mi Ratio 45%
, • Raw material 45%, 50% Kakemai
, • Raw material Misato Nishiki