2월 신규 의약품
유명유튜버 마츠다 부장님의 추천의약품!!

2월 신상 의약품 출시
유명유튜버 마츠다 부장님의 추천 의약품 지금바로만나보세요!

Harihorn E
Release the core and relieve pain. It is a drug that softens the neck and back pain of the shoulders by promoting blood circulation by vitamin E and hot sensation (Nicolema) and anti -inflammatory and analgesic effects caused by salicylic acid methyl. The active ingredient penetrates the subcutaneous tissue. A pleasant stimulus of "lukewarm" promotes blood circulation, taking congestion, releasing dust and pain. Gently adheres to the skin. Even if you have a weak skin, you don't care about the rash. The most worrying Mouret, the most worrying adhesive, drilled a hole in the foundation cloth to reduce the rash. You can recommend it with confidence for more people.